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Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia (REVIPSI) - Journal of Studies and Research in Psychology - is an electronic publication of the State University of Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), with web address http://www.revispsi.uerj.br. It was created in 2001 with the purpose of publishing unedited texts in psychology and related fields, in the form of articles, short communications, research abstracts of dissertations, theses and reviews.

REVIPSI receives articles in Portuguese, English and Spanish. The receipt of articles in other languages is at the discretion of the editorial board.

The journal has the following sections:

  • Articles: an article should include topics related to the areas of interest of Psychology, though investigations based on empirical data, theoretical analysis and critical review of the literature pertinent to the field of Psychology. The article should contain 15 – 25 pages of text, in addition to the pages reserved for references and for the pages 1 and 2, in accordance with the instructions for the preparation of the document;
  • Reviews: a review is a critical summary of recently published work, up to two years at most, informing the reader about its features and potential uses. The review should have two - four pages and should be in accordance with the rules on the publication of critical reviews;
  • Theses communications: REVIPSI publishes communications of dissertations and theses, defended up to two years at most, with at least six pages and is in the field of study of Psychology;
  • Research Communications: it is a full account of the research, however brief, completed or in progress (but now even with partial results), 10 to 15 pages;
  • Translation of articles: REVIPSI eventually publishes articles translated, duly accompanied by a letter off consent from the original source of publication;
  • Movie reviews: the reviews of movies should clearly demonstrate the link with the field of psychology and related areas. In addition, the review must rely on a theoretical frame;
  • Interviews with well khown intellectuals: should address the issues that are part of the field of study of Psychology.


To send manuscripts:

The texts should be submitted directly to the journal’s site, following all the steps properly described beginning on page http://www.e-publicacoes.uerj.br/index.php/revispsi/author/submit.

We emphasize that letter of approval from the committee of ethics is necessary for the submission of papers with human beings.

If you have questions regarding paper submission process, contact us through e-mail: renato.neto@uerj.br.


Papers should be typed in Microsoft Word, line spacing of 2.0, left, right, top and bottom margin of 2.5 cm in Times New Roman font, size 12.

The text should be preceded by:

  • Page 1: Cover sheet including the title (maximum 15 words), in the original language, full name of author(s), their institutional linkages in full, with city and country, titles, complete address, phone and the e-mail of the authors – if more than one.

  • Page 2: This page is reserved for the articles and research communication. It should once more contain the title and subtitle if any, the abstract with the maximum 200 words (articles), or 150 words (Research and Thesis Communications) and 3 to 5 keywords. Titles and subtitles should also be written in English and Spanish. The abstract in Spanish and English must be in the same format as keywords. The keywords in Portuguese, preferably, should be derived from the terminology of Psychology Virtual Health Library - Psychology, available in www.bvs-psi.org.br (at least three and up to five, separated by semicolons, dot after the last word, with all letters lowercase).

  • Page 3 and other: This page consists of the title and subtitle if any, and text, without identifying the author(s). We draw attention to authors to remove from the text and from the file sent to the journal any kind of identification, in order to preserve their identity.


Articles refer to investigations based on empirical data, theoretical analysis and critical review of the literature concerning the field of study of psychology and related areas, with at least 15 pages.

B. Abstracts in Portuguese, English and Spanish: Paragraphs with the maximum of 200 words (articles), or 150 words (Research and Thesis Communications), with the title Resumo/Abstract aligned in the center on the first line below the page heading. At the end of the Resumo, list at least three and at the most five keywords in Portuguese (in uppercase letters and separated by semicolons).

C. Text: The title of the manuscript is not necessary on this page. The subsections of the text do not start on new pages and its headings should be aligned in the center, and the first letter of each word capitalized (for example, Results, Method and Discussion, in research papers). The subheadings of the subsections should be in italics and have the first letter of each word capitalized (for example, the heading of the subsection Method: Subjects or Data Analysis).

Reviews refer to critical reviews of recently published works (two – four pages), providing the reader with summarized content of the work, emphasizing its most important aspects and their potential uses, with a minimum of four pages. Every review must present the title in Portuguese, English and Spanish, as well as the complete reference of the book reviewed below the title, according to the APA (APA, 2010), indicating the number of pages of the book.

Theses communications refer to theses recently defended (in the last two years at most); must have at least six pages and should contain the title in Portuguese, English and Spanish, an abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish.

Research Communications, completed or in progress (provided that it has results) shoud have 15 – 20 pages, and should contain the title in Portuguese, English and Spanish, abstract in Portuguese, English and Spanish and keywords in Portuguese, English and Spanish.


The images, tables, charts, figures and others should be in the format "JPEG" or "GIF", inserted in the text and placed exactly where they should appear in the publication. It should follow the format defined in the Sixth Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010).
The presentation of quotations and references must also follow the Sixth Edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA, 2010).


Accepted texts are evaluated according to the criteria of publication of the Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia (Journal of Studies and Research in Psychology), established by the rules outlined, taking into account the shape and the demands of the Editorial Committee and the Secretariat of Publication of the REVIPSI.

Only the texts that come accompanied by express declaration of originality and originality of its content, signed by all authors, the approval letter the Ethics Committee, and that meet the current standards of the journal will be sent for evaluation.

Once approved in this first step, the texts in the form of articles, reports and reviews, are sent to two reviewers, along with an evaluation form (see model at the end).

If the assessments of the reviewers and/or the Editor indicate the need for correction, or structural change, they are forwarded to the author(s), attached to the original text. If it is in the interest of the authors to redesign the work, this must be accompanied by a letter explaining all the modifications of the text, as well as showing the changes in the text by different colors.

If the text has not been approved, the evaluation of the peer-reviewed journal and/or the responsible Editor will also be attached to the originals and returned to the author(s).

The REVIPSI uses the evaluation system of the blind review, in order to preserve the identity of authors and Ad Hoc consultants.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to make minor changes or cuts, in order to align it to the criteria for the publication of the journal, since none of these changes result in modifications of content. The Editorial Board reserves the right to decide on special cases in order to maintain the quality and frequency of the journal.


The works published in the virtual space of this journal will be automatically transferred, getting their copyrights reserved to REVIPSI and their total or partial reproduction (more than 500 words in the original text) must be requested in writing to the Editor.


The content of the original work, or even reformulated where appropriate, which will be published in REVIPSI is the total and absolute responsibility of the author(s), which includes the legal and ethical issues inherent in conducting a science job in virtual space.


See the evaluation form on file pdf

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Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro
Instituto de Psicologia
© Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia

Rua São Francisco Xavier, 524, bloco F, sala 10.005, 10° andar, CEP 20550-013, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Brasil
Telefone: (21) 2334-0651

E-mail: Revista Estudos e Pesquisas em Psicologia
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